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Table 3-13 includes types prefixed with #, such as #seq<'a>. This simply means the function will accept any type that is compatible with (that is, is a subtype of) seq<'a>. We explain the notions of subtyping and compatibility in more detail in 5, but to OO programmers the concept will be familiar, because it is the same as that used by other .NET languages such as C#, which itself is close to that used by Java. In practice, you can easily discover which types are compatible with which by using F# Interactive and tools such as Visual Studio, because when you hover over a type name, the compatible types are shown as well. You can also refer to the online documentation for the F# libraries and the .NET Framework, easily searched by using the major search engines.

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finally { JDBCUtil.close ( conn ); } }// end of main The following definition of the methods _displayEmpDetails() and _updateEmpInfo() should be fairly self-explanatory. The method _displayEmpDetails() invokes the PL/SQL package method opt_shadowcol_demo.get_emp_details() to display the employee details of a given employee: private static long _displayEmpDetails( Connection conn, int empNo ) throws SQLException { CallableStatement cstmt = null; long rowChangeIndicator = 0; int salary = 0; String empName = null; try { cstmt = conn.prepareCall( "{call opt_lock_shadowcol_demo.get_emp_details( , , , )}" ); cstmt.setInt( 1, empNo ); cstmt.registerOutParameter( 2, OracleTypes.VARCHAR ); cstmt.registerOutParameter( 3, OracleTypes.NUMBER ); cstmt.registerOutParameter( 4, OracleTypes.NUMBER ); cstmt.execute(); empName = cstmt.getString( 2 ); salary = cstmt.getInt( 3 ); rowChangeIndicator = cstmt.getLong( 4 ); System.out.println( "empno: " + empNo + ", name: " + empName + ", salary: " + salary + ", checksum: " + rowChangeIndicator ); } finally { JDBCUtil.close( cstmt ); } return rowChangeIndicator; } The method _updateEmpInfo() invokes the PL/SQL package method opt_shadowcol_ demo.update_emp_info(), passing in the new values along with the row change indicator that we returned by _displayEmpDetails(): private static void _updateEmpInfo( Connection conn, int empNo, int newSalary, String newEmpName, long rowChangeIndicator ) throws SQLException {

This chapter focuses on security, the vertical slice of any distributed application. Here you ll see how to keep assemblies secure and how you can leverage encryption in the .NET Framework, as well as some new security features in ASP.NET 2.0.

CallableStatement cstmt = null; try { cstmt = conn.prepareCall( "{call opt_lock_shadowcol_demo.update_emp_info( , , , , )}" ); cstmt.setInt( 1, empNo ); cstmt.setInt( 2, newSalary ); cstmt.setString( 3, newEmpName ); cstmt.setLong( 4, rowChangeIndicator ); cstmt.registerOutParameter( 5, OracleTypes.NUMBER ); cstmt.execute(); int numOfRowsUpdated = cstmt.getInt( 5 ); if( numOfRowsUpdated <= 0 ) { System.out.println( "Sorry. Someone else changed the data that " + "you were trying to update. Please retry." ); } else { System.out.println( "You have successfully updated the employee " + "information." ); } } finally { JDBCUtil.close( cstmt ); } } }// end of program To test the program, we can run it exactly like we ran the program DemoOptLockingBy SavingOldValues in two windows in the section Optimistic Locking by Saving Old Column Values earlier.

Here are some of the types compatible with seq<'a>: Array types: For example, int[] is compatible with seq<int>. F# list types: For example, int list is compatible with seq<int>. All other F# and .NET collection types: For example, System.Collections.Generic. SortedList<string> is compatible with seq<string>. The following types are not directly type compatible with seq<'a> but can readily be converted into sequences when needed: Some .NET types are compatible with a somewhat deprecated nongeneric .NET 1.0 construct called System.Collections.IEnumerable (note the absence of any generic parameter) but are not actually compatible with the newer .NET construct System. Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<type>, called seq<type> in F# code. Some .NET types such as System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection support only a GetEnumerator method and can t be used directly as values of type seq<type>. However, these can be converted into sequences by using them in conjunction with either the sequence expression syntax mentioned earlier, such as seq{ for x in matchCollection -> x } or for x in matchCollection do .... Expressions of the form for pat in seq are described in the section Using Sequence Expressions and in 4.

Yet another implementation of optimistic locking involves calculating a checksum of the column values being modified. A checksum is a mathematical function that computes a single, unique value for any input. No two different inputs should map to the same output value. You can use the owa_opt_lock package s checksum function for this purpose. The owa_opt_lock package comes installed as part of the Oracle s HTTP server s mod_plsql module. The checksum function is defined as function owa_opt_lock.checksum(p_buff in varchar2) return number;


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